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Safety First

M. Demirhan ÇELİK

Mining Engineer
Occupational Safety Expert(Class A)
NEBOSH - TechIOSH Member
OHSA &Quality Management Systems Advisor 






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Hello! I'm Demirhan

I Was Born in Ankara, but I got growing in Izmir, Turkey. I'm a Mining Engineer & expired an OHS Expert. I'm married, and I've two sweet daughters. I believe and follow my family life in love, and I am actively pursuing my Social and Cultural life and honestly work during my business life.

Professional Objective

 As a Mining Engineer and as an experienced HSE professional, I wish to fill the HSE Management position to conduct the duties specified in the job description by fully and successfully utilizing my experience and knowledge in this expertise and the construction field.
I desire to broaden my experience, knowledge, and skills and be in an environment where I can add some value to the organization and get some deals to increase my skills and knowledge.
Seeking placement in an organization looking for a post of "HSE COORDINATION, HSE ADVISOR OR HSE MANAGEMENT" where the criteria demand utmost confidence, commitment, and team effort to meet milestones, leading to success and profitability business undertakings. To be a Safety Practitioner whose main objectives are to fulfil the global purpose of preventing accidents and eliminating hazards at mining, construction and industrial sites. To the extend more faith and dedication in the safety profession by specializing in HAZARD identification, Risk assessments according to the Risk Management Systems and contribute to the on continues safety inspections of the all related fields within the management team and Supervisors Workers, as well.

 Major Responsibility  

The prime and foremost responsibility is to deliver my splendid efforts not only to safeguard the Project and the related Companies but also to protect the environment and the Mankind.


Key Experiences 
Health, Safety & Environmental;

Incident Investigation,
    People-Based Safety Programmed,
        Permit To Work System,
            HSE Inspections and Reviews,
                HSE Reporting Systems Quality Management Systems,


Highways, Viaducts, Bridges Constructions,
      Airport Construction,
            Mine Plant Construction,
                 Building Construction,
                      Industrial Constructions



As a safety professional,


  • I hold paramount the protection of people, the environment and property.

  • Strive for a "Zero Accident" philosophy. Developing safety culture through conducting various inspections & audits, Contractors Management, Hazard Management, Site Monitoring, Training and Toolbox talks, and Rescue Management with all employees, including sub-contractors, to provide a healthy, environmentally friendly environment-sensitive and safe workplace.

  • Encourage all levels of employees, including sub-contractors, to become co-owners of the HSE core process.

  • Communicate with all employees, including subcontractor management, that emphasis on cost, schedule and quality could not override the importance of HSE execution and performance.

  • Monitoring health & safety performance at any hazardous site. Provide help and advice when required, whilst reminding them that the responsibility for a safe work system remains with them.

  • Perform major accident/incident investigations. Review investigation & Update reports for all high potential incident/accidents. Identify corrective actions and track them.

  • I am implementing permit to work system according to the procedure—inspection and Issue of General, Confined space, Radiography, Hazardous, Excavation, and Hot work permits.

  • Monitoring commissioning activities, especially Lockout / Tag-out, Hydro test, Air blow, Hot work etc.

  • It was developed and implemented various safety inspections in the sites, which resulted in a tremendous improvement in crafts safety culture. Weekly updated all safety inspection records in computerized programs and monitored the progress level.

  • Experience in construction and pre-commissioning stages, which includes Heavy Lift Operations, tank erections, working with energized equipment,

Health & Safety Senior Advisor
Health & Safety Manager
Avesoro Resources Inc.

Avesoro Resources Inc. is engaged in exploring and developing gold deposits in highly prospective and under-explored areas of Liberia and Burkina Faso.


Avesoro Resources Inc. (formally Aureus Mining Inc.) was incorporated and registered in Canada on February 1, 2011, according to the CBCA to facilitate the Arrangement completed on April 13, 2011.



  • Liberia’s first and largest commercial gold mine

  • Conventional gravity & CIL processing

  • High-grade open pit Proven and Probable Mineral Reserve estimate of 17 million tonnes grading 2.49 g/t for 1,365,000 contained ounces of gold.

  • Average LOM operating cash costs of US$767/oz and all-in sustaining cash costs of US$862/oz


  • Located in the “Centre-Sud” region of Burkina Faso

  • Acquired from Avesoro Jersey in December 2017

  • Strong cash flow generative assets

  • Combined proven and Probable Mineral Reserves of 14.74Mt containing 814,900 ounces of gold grading 1.72g/t

  • Combined Measured and Indicated Mineral Resource of 22.16Mt containing 1,189,100 ounces of gold grading 1.67g/t and Inferred Mineral Resource of 7.6Mt containing 377,000 ounces of gold grading 1.5g/t


Health / Safety and Environmental Director
Acacia Mining Operations Inc.

Founded by İlbak Holding Mining in 2007 and started to operate in Kastamonu, Gokırmak Cooper Mining Project, continues its activities as "Acacia Mining Operations" after signing a partnership with Akfen Holding in 2016.

With a totally local capital investment, this partnership strengthens its infrastructure, without any restrictions, in order to be able to use the natural resources of our nation at maximum efficiency, and also continues to display its efforts at JORC standards, with a sustainable mining vision respecting ethical values.
I'm still working in the Acacia Mining Inc. HSE Manager/ Director position.

Project HSE Manager
IGA - Istanbul Grand Airport Project

İGA was founded on October 7, 2013 with the purpose of constructing and operating for 25 years Istanbul New Airport. The new airport will be constructed over an area of 76,5 million square meters to the north of Istanbul, in 35 km distance to the city center. The construction will be carried out in four phases. The first phase will be finalized in 2018 with the opening of three runways and a terminal with 90 million passenger capacity. Once complete, the new airport will host flying to more than 350 destinations with an annual passenger capacity up to 200 million. 
 24.000 people currently work on the construction site of Istanbul New Airport. 100 thousand direct employment and sub-industry employment combined, we will hire a total of 1.5 million persons once the project is launched..

Project HSE Manager
Ica Astaldi - Ic Ictas Jv 
3rd Bosphorus Bridge and The Northern Marmara Motorway Project

Operation period including construction10 years 2 months 20 days

Construction of the 3rd Bosphorus Bridge and nearly 115 km motorway and linking road between Odayeri – Paşaköy .

Bridge Details:

» 8 lanes of motorway and 2 lanes of railway are going to be located at the same level on it. A product of professional engineering and advanced technology, the bridge will be among the important bridges of the world with its aesthetic and technical features.
 » The bridge is going to be built by a team most of whom are Turkish engineers.
 » Nearly 7.000 people and 500 people will be employed in construction phase and operation phase of the bridge respectively.
» It will be the widest suspension bridge in the world with a width of 59 meters.
 » It will be the longest spanning suspension bridge in the world that has a rail system on it with a main span of 1408 meters and the highest suspension bridge in the world with the highest tower in the world with a height of more than 322 meters.

HSE Coordinator
Kargı hydroelectric power plant Project,

Statkraft, from Norway; Europe’s largest renewable energy company and within the province of Çorum Osmancık Kargi Hydroelectric Power Plant Project in progress Construction. I have been working Health, Safety and Environment inspector as Statkraft Employers.
Statkraft has started construction on the Kargi hydropower plant in Turkey. The power plant will be completed at the August of 2014 and will have an installed capacity of 108 MW, with annual average production of 467 GWH. The Kargi power plant is being built near the town of Osmancik in Çorum province in northern Turkey. The power plant will utilize a 75-metre elevation difference in Turkey’s longest river, Kizilirmak.
While this project my duties are Manage and Coordinate the contractors and employees at all sites covered HSE issues. Duties such as I followed in the project Risk Assessment systems, Method of statement for safe work, Job Safety Analysis for necessary work operations, Work Permit Systems at workplaces wherever need, Emergency Plans,  and I got followed the all Contractor's HSE Teams at site for true ways for safely working. All Occupational Safety works according to Turkish Regulation and laws, OHSA 18001 systems and ILO Conventions within Statkraft Procedures at Statkraft..

HSE Site Coordinator
Eldorado Gold (Tüprag Metal Mining Corporation)
Efemçukuru Construction Management

Eldorado Gold is a Canadian-based, intermediate gold producer with assets in Turkey, China, Greece, Brazil and Romania. We have seven operating mines and a pipeline of projects in different stages of construction, development and exploration. Eldorado has outperformed the S&P/TSX Global Gold Index five years running and has a solid track record of creating shared value - for shareholders, communities and governments while maintaining environmental integrity.
The Efemçukuru gold mine is located in Izmir Province, Turkey. The high grade epithermal gold vein deposit is suited for underground mechanized mining.
Ore is being processed through a milling and flotation concentrate circuit on site. The flotation concentrate is then transported to our Kişladağ mine in Uşak, Turkey. At year-end 2011, 9,100 tons of concentrate, containing approximately 25,000 ounces of gold, had been delivered to Kişladağ for processing.
Turkey; Tüprag Metal Mining Co.( 100% owned by Eldorado Gold ) was established for the mining sector belonging to the construction of mining facilities; Efemçukuru Constriction Management (ECM) within the industrial plants, water dam, underground facilities, a workshop building, administrative buildings, social facilities etc. construction project, the Project Site Occupational Health and Safety have been working as Sites Chief Engineer.

HSE Manager
Site: Pozanti / ADANA / TURKEY

Ankara - Pozantı Highway Tunnels - E/M System, Erection and Commissioning Highway Electromechanical Tunnels Project at Pozantı with Limak Construction Company. Motorway Tunnels (total tube length is 10 KM) Lighting, Electrification, Ventilation, Air and Ventilation Control, Service Telephone, CCTV, Fiber Optical Data Transmission, Emergency Call and Fire Detection , Fire Fighting , Automatic Control of Water Supply , Tunnel Radio , Traffic Control , Telecontrol and Monitoring Systems. Motorway Lighting System, Power Transmission Line, Power Stations (Preparation of Tender Documents and Technical specification, design, Evaluation of Tenders, installation, commissioning) (Contract Value: 44,500,000.- USD)
The Pozantı tunnels are on the Ankara-Pozantı highway in a distance of 25 km, with the total length of 9500 meters of 16 tunnels.

The Electromechanical tender scope of work is tunnel and road lighting, public address, tunnel radio, CCTV, traffic signalization, fire detection, firefighting, ventilation, power supply, distribution building, water tank and tunnel control center constructions and the SCADA system of the whole Project.

While the electromechanical works completed for total of sixteen tunnels in the active traffic covered the project time. Consequently traffic has been high risk in this Project. I got prepare proper Safety Training Programs for each relevant employees according to kind of the risk and Necessary work permit systems within JSA/SWP(Safety Work Plan) for all critical work operation.

HSE Manager
Main Office: Ankara, Site: Artvin / Turkey

Deriner Artvin Dam construction project in the context of the Artvin-Erzurum State Highway II. Construction jobs in Part I served as Chief of Department. Project is carried out and a new system in Turkey CONSOLE SYSTEM WITH BALANCED CONSTRUCTION viaduct and the road between the construction project that has the tunnel with NATM method. My mission, all projects under the open excavation works, tunnels and viaducts feet applied in special blasting techniques of organization and blasting patent preparation, occupational health and safety studies and Çoruh River located on the AGGREGATE miner of the concrete plant to the raw met to ensure the production organization did.
Kolin Construction has been creating work within the working period of systematic self-control projects in the Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems. Works included; information, document and quality management systems, as I did on active duty. I attended Internal Auditing, OHSAS 18001, including management systems issues internal company training seminars.

Plant Chief Engineer
Kimtaş Öztüre Lime Co. (Mining - Holding)
Headquarters: İzmir, Factory: İzmir-Torbalı & Kırşehir / Turkey

Located in Louvain la Neuve, Belgium, Carmeuse Group is present in over 90 locations throughout 25 countries covering Western, Central and Eastern Europe, North and South America, Africa, Middle East and Asia.

Holding the Öztüre, Kimtaş Öztüre Lime Co. Business Management in İzmir - Torbalı and Kirsehir Lime factories engineer and worked as Deputy Manager of the factory. While my mission I prepared new documentation and OHSAS 18001:2007 systems for each workplaces, plants and factories on the Ozture Co. according the formation of a new Occupational Regulation and Notifications from State. I have been in the mission for taken proper CE Certificate from accredited authorized body company to productions and updated OHSAS 18011-2008 system for our company.

Plant Chief Engineer
Site Engineer
Super Carbon Co. (Mining), Izmir / Turkey

Occupational health and safety, Super Carbon Co. under the Imported Coal cleaning and packing plants, I served as Plant Supervisor. While this duty I have been controlling to HSE issues and Coordinate to occupational safety at coal plant. 

Joint Venture Kutlutaş-Dillingham ;
Izmir-Aydin Highway Project 

Kutlutaş-Dillingham Joint Venture, İzmir, Mining Engineer of the Izmir-Aydin highway Neşetiye Infrastructure Construction Management Construction Manager Field Engineering

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Akıllı Tablet kullanma Adam
Mac Masaüstü
Dokuz Eylül University - (Formal Education) - Izmir
Engineering Faculty, Mining Engineering

The Department, which had very limited academic staff and laboratory facilities in the beginning, developed itself hugely in time and in our day it consists of 41 academic staff who serves under the divisions of Mining Engineering, Mineral Processing and Mine Mechanization and Technology. Our department also contains Ore Microscopy, X-Ray Diffraction, Mineral Processing, Mine Planning, Chemistry, Rock Mechanics, Flotation, Ceramic Technology and Extractive Metallurgy laboratories surpassing its equivalent departments in Turkey.

The Department, which gave the first graduates back in 1977, graduated over 1400 mining engineers up to date. In our day, currently 473 students are studying mining engineering as major both in formal and evening education programs. In addition to this, the department has graduated about 100 M.Sc. and 40 Ph.D. engineers since its establishment.


Bachelor's Degree


High School Diploma

İzmir Karataş High School

My High school stay on the City of center . When I was at my high school time I got in science and mathematics class education.


Microsoft ExCel - Advanced

Microsoft Word - Advanced

Power Point - Proficient

Adobe - Proficient

English - Fluency

Russian - Beginner

I'M A ADVISOR for OHS and you can find some my services for employee

Professional Objective:

Seeking placement in an organization looking for a post of “HSE COORDINATION, HSE ADVISOR OR HSE MANAGEMENT” where the criteria demand utmost confidence, commitment and team effort to meet milestones, thereby leading to successful and profitable business undertakings. To be a Safety Practitioner whose main objectives to meet the global purpose of preventing accidents and eliminating hazard at mining, construction and industrial sites.  To the extend more faith and dedication in the safety profession by specializing in HAZARD identification, Risk assessments according to the Risk Management Systems and contribute to the on continues safety inspections of the  all related fields within management team and also Supervisors and Workers, as well.

Major Responsibility:

The prime and foremost responsibility is to deliver my splendid efforts not only to safeguard the Project and the related Companies but also to protect the Environment as well as the Mankind.

Key Experiences:

Health, Safety & Environmental;

  • Incident Investigation,

  • People Based Safety Programmed,

  • Permit To Work System,

  • HSE Inspections and Reviews,

  • HSE Reporting Systems Quality Management Systems,



  • Highways, Viaducts, Bridges Constructions,

  • Airport Construction,

  • Mine Plant Construction,

  • Building Construction,

  • Industrial Constructions

As a safety professional,

  • Holding paramount the protection of people, environment and property.

  • Strive for “Zero Accident” philosophy. Developing safety culture by means of conducting various inspections & audits, Contractors Management, Hazard Management, Site Monitoring, Training and Toolbox talks, Rescue Management, with all level of employees including sub-contractors to provide a healthy, environmentally, sensitive and safe work place.

  • Encourage all levels of employees, including sub-contractors to become co- owners of HSE core process.

  • Communicate with all level of employees including sub-contractor management that emphasize on cost, schedule and quality could not override the importance of HSE execution and performance.

  • Monitoring health & safety performance at any hazardous site. Provide help and advice as when required, whilst reminding them the responsibility for safe system of work remains with them.

  • Perform major accident / incident investigations. Review investigation & Update reports for all high potential incident/accidents. Identify corrective actions and track them.

  • Implementing permit to work system according to the procedure. Inspection and Issue of General, Confined space, Radiography, Hazardous, Excavation, Hot work permits.

  • Monitoring commissioning activities especially Lock out / Tag out, Hydro test, Air blow, Hot work etc.

  • Developed and implemented various safety inspections at the field, which result in a tremendous improvement between crafts safety culture. Weekly updated all safety inspection records in a computerize programs and monitored the progress level.

  • Experience in construction and pre-commissioning stages which includes Heavy Lift Operations, tank erections, working with energized equipment’s,

Job Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. Prepared HSE Plan, Work Schedule Programed within Procedures, Emergency Response Plan, Protection Plan according to Requirements

  2. Participates in meetings, as required with Client, Project Team Members and contractors / subcontractors to advise them of Safety and health requirements.

  3. Instruct to HSE Personal to regular inspection of Electrical Tools & Equipment for proper Maintenance.

  4. Assists in drafting ES&H Plans, project specific safety procedures, project specific implementation plans (i.e., evacuation plans, safety training plans and programs, People Based Safety) and technical report.

  5. Investigation of incident & accident at site alert to address feasible recommendations.

  6. Monitoring of Safety compliances of sub-contractor’s Equipment, Crain & recommendation for proper signages.

  7. Training and educating employee’s into a Safe Act.

  8. Participate with Client Management Walkthrough & advice to sub-contractor for rectify the issues through concerns Supervisors.

  9. Participate with Client Camp Audit & rectify the issues.

  10. To assist and managed the HSE inspections, work environment, vehicle inspections, occupational health, personal protective equipment, equipment inspection, power tools and hand tools, lifting equipment and tackles, housekeeping inspection, scaffolding, hot work activities and confined space.

  11. Prepared and controlled risk assessments, job safety analysis within Safety Work Plan (JSA/SWP) according to technical method of statements for each Sites

  12. Controlled to Reports from Contractors and Subcontractors on daily, monthly and yearly HSE statistic for updating and performance of site activities.

  13. Reports to Acacia board members on monthly HSE statistic for updating and performance of site activities

  14. Managing to daily toolbox talk training or specific works training for Employees.

  15. Improving and developing the work tasks.

  16. Coordinate all Contractor/Subcontractor HSE Activities and Controlled against H&S Quality Standards,

  17. Managing to penalty price according to HSE Contract within whoever agreement on the Contractors and Subcontractors at  active Responsible Project Site,

  18. Managed to all possible Emergency Response Coordinator on All related Sites against any emergency case,

Curriculum Vitae

  1. Motivate the employees through safety awareness programs.

  2. Prepared new HSE training for specific tasks

  3. Coordinate first aid, rescue and emergency services and reporting near miss, incident and accident.

  4. Promote a safe construction operation, leading and motivation coordinators to achieve organization goal of zero accidents.

Responsible to ensure that site operation performs environmental practices that are sustained and implemented as according to environmental policy, guidelines and procedures in alignment with all practicable standards

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